Curriculum Statement

Oak Hill Academy Curriculum Statement

As an Aspirations Academy junior school, situated in Hounslow, West London, we have designed a bespoke and innovative curriculum, tailored to meet the needs of all children in our school and facilitate skills and knowledge progression. We follow the National Curriculum and align to the ‘No limits: Education for success in the 21st century’ philosophy and curriculum within our multi-academy trust.

At Oak Hill Academy, we believe it is important to educate the whole child, in order to fulfil their aspirations and ensure they achieve their full potential in learning and life skills, nurturing and growing conscientious, confident and responsible members of society.  We use a values-based approach to build character, resilience, engagement and leadership, preparing children for their life’s journey through our Aspirations framework.

Aspirations Guiding Principles


Our whole school curriculum nurtures, deepens and broadens the development of children’s knowledge, skills and qualities which are required for success in today’s highly competitive, fast-changing, modern world.

Our children learn in a challenging, engaging and supportive environment which enables them to achieve high levels of success and achieve their potentials. We have created a curriculum which is dynamic, broad, balanced and innovative to ensure that the children enjoy learning.

Learning opportunities are also designed to develop children’s intellectual, personal, moral, social and physical abilities. Through our diverse and exciting curriculum and cultural capital opportunities, Oak Hill Academy children will develop skills and knowledge across a wide range of subjects. They will benefit from additional learning experiences such as Enterprise projects, a variety of extra-curricular opportunities and our wellbeing days throughout the school year. Our delivery of the curriculum, through both single- discipline lessons (one curriculum subject) and trans-discipline assignments (using skills and knowledge from a range of subjects) aims to foster a lifelong love of learning, whilst also ensuring the children reach their true potentials academically, socially and emotionally.

Children have regular opportunities to work collaboratively through the No Limits approach to develop the skills and attributes which we believe are essential for the 21st Century world.

If parents would like further information regarding our curriculum please contact their child’s class teacher.


Each Year Group sends out homework on a weekly basis at Oak Hill. Homework is tailored to the year group and also personalised to individuals or groups of children as needed. Homework provides further challenge and opportunities for children to deepen and broaden their knowledge and skills in different curriculum areas.

All year groups receive Maths, Reading and SPaG homework on Google classroom weekly. Children who require support with completing their homework are invited to weekly homework clubs within each year group.

Every Year Group also receives ‘Enrichment’, project-based homework, as an extension of the No Limits assignment being studied for that half term. This homework is optional and involves a wide range of enrichment tasks, which complement our curriculum, such as: making models or designing 3D objects, carrying out research, creating products, timelines or writing activities. The Enrichment homework consolidates the learning that has taken place in the classroom and also provides an opportunity for pupil-led deepening of learning.

Assessment and Target Setting

Each child is set a target for the end of Year 6. This is based on their end of Key Stage One result and will be either the National Expected standard or the Greater Depth Standard. Children who are not on track to achieve their targets and make the expected progress, will receive afternoon interventions to help them get back on track.


Oak Hill Academy believe that all children, regardless of need are entitled to the best possible provision and outcomes.  Every child is unique and we ensure this individuality is celebrated and supported.  We ensure that all children, including those with academic, behaviour or emotional difficulties, have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum, have their needs identified as early as possible, receive focused provision matched to those needs, and as a consequence leave us with the best possible outcomes.

Our identified More Able children are challenged daily within their classroom lessons and are given opportunities to take part in national and local school enrichment days and competitions. We work closely with Rivers Academy whereby our most academically able children are identified and selected to take part in ‘Explorers Academy’ during the Spring term.

Children with specific talents such as for Music, Sport, Art and Drama are encouraged to develop their interests through our wide range of curricular and extra-curricular activities and opportunities.

As part of our inclusion policy, children and parents benefit from having access to our full time Learning Mentor and Parent Liaison link. Parents whose children need support with behaviour, attendance or any other pastoral need can come in and discuss the support being given to their child or family and develop positive links between home and school.

Where next

Our Vision

At Oak Hill Academy, we want our children to fulfil their aspirations and achieve their full potential in both their learning and for their future.…

Our vision