Year 3 Curriculum Evening


September 20 - 04:30 pm


September 17 - 01:00 am

Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are delighted to welcome you back in to school this half term for our Year group
Curriculum Information Evenings!
These will be at the following times:
Year 3: Monday 20th September at 4:30pm in the school hall
Year 4: Tuesday 21st September at 4:30pm in the school hall
Year 5: Thursday 23rd September at 4:30pm in the school hall
Year 6: Friday 24th September at 4:30pm in the school hall
The meeting will last approximately 30-45 minutes, during which time you will meet the
teaching team in your child/ren’s year group and find out about the curriculum – what
they will be learning this year. You will also find out about what it expected for each year
group and the team will share key information such as trip details.
After the meeting, there will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.
You will also receive a curriculum leaflet outlining your child/ren’s learning for the year.
These evenings will all take place in the school hall, which will be well ventilated; please
arrive using the main school entrance.
We look forward to meeting you next week.